Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Madrid!! (A Spanish-Moroccan journey Part 1)

Palacio Real de Madrid, originally uploaded by alreza.

The first stop of my journey through Southern Spain and Northern Morocco was Madrid!! A beautiful place though the buildings reminded me soo much of Chicago and Adelaide when I was there. Madrid has some nice and unique architecture, and the main site we visited was the Palacio Real de Madrid or the Royal Palace of Madrid. Oh and btw, apparantly the football teams actual English name is Royal Madrid but I guess people got used to calling them Real madrid.

Sorry that I digressed a little there. Anyway, this place was the original site of the Alcazar in anceint times which also was previously a fort built by the Islamic kingdom of Toledo during the 9th Century. Now this is the official residence of His Majesty the King of Spain, though oddly enough he seldom resides there and instead chooses to reside at the smaller Palacio de la Zarzuela. Most of the time, the Royal Palace acts as a musuem though personally I find the insides stocked with more of His Majesty's collection of trinkets. Photography inside the palace is forbidden and with my dSLR it would be near impossible for me to steal a shot...sigh. Need to get me one of those neat phone cameras.. ;)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

More pics please! heheheh cant wait to see your nice pics...

btw, i've changed phone. Traded in my O2 for brand new Nokia N73! It has a very good camera :P